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2022 Research Grants Program CFP

In conjunction with ARSTM’s 30th anniversary, and the ARSTM@NCA preconference in New Orleans in November 2022, and in its continued commitment to anti-racist practices, leadership is pleased to introduce the inaugural ARSTM Research Grants Program with three separate $500 grants designated for graduate students, non tenure-track faculty (NTT), and scholars of color.

Applicants to the ARSTM Research Grants Program will submit a regular preconference proposal (500 words) to the ARSTM@NCA preconference on The Futures of Rhetoric, Science, & Technology (see cfp here). Additionally, applicants should submit a brief but detailed proposal (500-1000 words) that outlines a research project. The proposal should address the following points:

  • an overview of the need for the project,
  • a statement about its importance to extend or enact practical and theoretical knowledge related to the rhetoric of science, technology, and medicine,
  • the methods deployed and its potential for cross-disciplinary fertilization and/or public engagement,
  • your qualifications to complete the work and its relevance to anti-racist practices, 
  • and a short budget overview with a year-long timeline.

Individual applicants can only apply to one research grant. Please identify which competition you are applying for along with your scholarly and institutional identifications. Recipients will be notified in September and acknowledged at the ARSTM business meeting in November 2022. Recipients will be required to present at the ARSTM@NCA preconference in November 2022. All recipients must acknowledge the ARSTM Research Grants in any presentations and/or publications. 

Anonymous peer-review judging will be conducted by three members of the ARSTM board, leadership, and/or senior scholars with long-standing commitments to anti-racism in RSTM. Judging will be based upon the following criteria: potential to extend or enact practical and theoretical knowledge related to the rhetoric of science, technology, and medicine; the methods deployed and its potential for cross-disciplinary fertilization and/or public engagement; dedication to inclusive language, examples, and citational practices; the overall quality of writing and thinking. 

Submissions should be sent as an attachment without any identifying information to by Monday, August 15th, 2022. Please use “ARSTM Research Grant Submission” as your email subject. In the email body provide your preferred contact information and the identity group to which you are applying (graduate student, NTT, or scholar of color). Any questions about the research grant may be addressed to Aimee Roundtree at

Due: August 15, 2022
Notification of Award: mid-late September
